The Festival
The International Music Festival "Buchenau Spring 2019" in Buchenau, Germany, in the middle of the Rhön, idyllically located on a large parkland, takes place in 2019. The festival is an innovative format that combines mastersclasses, lectures, and students‘ concerts under one roof, which gives spectators as well as the participants a unique insight into the creative process of musical interpretation. Internationally well-known professors from all over the world will offer public master classes in which students and young musicians can re ne their skills. Selected pedagogues for violin and cello will convey the art of interpretation of the instrumental play. The students of the master classes along with the professors will perform a large number of concerts. The competitions are going to be the most exciting highlights of the festival. I look forward to meeting you and wish you to join our festival!
Dmitri Dragilew
International Music Festival "Buchenau Spring 2019"
c/o Internationale Gesellschaft für multimediale Kultur
und europäische Kommunikation e.V.